The name Millefiori reflects the particularity of these tesserae out of glass : That is the Italian word for "thousand flowers". The round and flat tesserae fascinate thanks to their different motifs and nice colours. At the beginning of the creations, there are the glass rods, which become a lot of colour structures thanks to a complicated process. From the rods which are cut by hand result tesserae with fancy and detailed motifs. The upper surface, broken by hand confers each tesserae an intense shine, which accentuates the colours.

Ours Millefiori are high-quality and conserve for a long time their luminosity. The small tesserae in the corresponding colours are particularly convenient for bringing variety in your mosaic works. They give a noticeable accent to the decoration objects or decorations of mirrors or similar. Due to the small size, they are also very convenient for jewellery and fusing works.
Versión española sigue

  • diámetro aprox. 4-5 mm, 7-8 mm, 9-10 mm
  • Espesor aprox. 3-6 mm
  • Sin inclusiones de aire o burbujas
  • Pisable, resistente a rayaduras y heladas
  • No es adecuado como revestimiento de suelos
  • Golpeado a mano
  • Superficie irregular, llena de vida
  • Cada pieza emite brillantes y diferentes reflejos de luz
Envases disponibles:
  • a -   50 g aprox. 55 / 100 / 400 millefiori
  • b - 100 g aprox. 110 / 200 / 800 millefiori
  • e - 250 g aprox. 275 / 500 / 2.000 millefiori